About Us
Senior Staff
Maurizio "Mark" Smith | Executive Director msmith@calhospital.org |
(818) 407-3926 |
Claims/Appeals Staff
Our UI claims and appeals staff have many years of experience in UI matters and also have extensive knowledge of the field of human resources.
Karen Velarde | Supervisor Claims & Appeals kvelarde@calhospital.org |
(818) 407-3931 |
Rolee Sta. Maria | Sr. Claims & Appeals Specialist/CDS Support rsta.maria@calhospital.org |
(818) 407-3934 |
Debra Schneiderman | Claims, Appeals & Hearings Specialist dschneiderman@calhospital.org |
(818) 407-3933 |
Karen Shearer | Claims & Appeals Specialist kshearer@calhospital.org |
(818) 407-3935 |
Other UI Division Staff
Bob Little | Accounts Specialist blittle@calhospital.org |
(818) 407-3936 |
George Strattan | Data Entry/Office Asst. gstrattan@calhospital.org |
(818) 407-3926 |
Veronica Biles | Executive Assistant vbiles@calhospital.org |
(818) 407-3926 |
Pauline Santos | Appeals/File Clerk psantos@calhospital.org |
(818) 407-3926 |